It just thrown me a bomb shell whenever I heard we are having our MP at "BABY SEAFOOD"!!
I just couldn't believed my ear when my vice told me this!
It doesn't mean I'm criticising the food cooked by "RESTAURANT BABY SEAFOOD"
Can you guys just let it to be something special instead of the normal dinner served usually with soup or vege or fish in a very bloody freaking crowded restaurant???
Or should I say can you guys just somehow, respect senior's last MP?
I was wondering if you guys know the meaning of MP?!
It's majlis perpisahan ok???
You guys expect seniors to chaoz after having a simply dinner without something special????
Things worsen when there was a request - " Senior, can donit souvenior ar?"
Oh my gosh!!! My goodness.......
We seniors, had been working hard for the clubs for one years plus, guiding you guys all the way, until you all got the posts, but we deemed not deserved a right MP!!
Let's imagine ok?? The previous MP I organised for my seniors, at RESTAURANT ITALY!! which cost us RM 600!!!
Recalling the interview session, when asked how they are going to do our MP. Wohooo!!! good suggestion... got western, got..................... But now?? aikss.... gg....
Hope there will be some improvement thereafter.....


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