At least at this moment,
I feel I'm blissful,
For whatsoever happened,
I had such sensation.

My parent,
My friends,
My relative.

They play a crucial part in my life,
They bring me happiness,
They bring me bliss,
I, satisfy and appreciate.

My parent,
Who support me all the way,
Physically, mentally, financial, cares,
And so on that I would never ever,
Feel I'm lack of anything.

His appearrance in my life,
Made another BRIGHTS,
Unutterable, only I knew :p

My friends,
Being by my side,
No matter in BLUE or RED,
Their helping hands and supports,
Always there for me.

My relatives,
Their cares and loves,
Made me feel I'm not lonely,
Though I'm the only child.

Thanks so much to God,
I'm so lucky to be born to this world,
Certainly I hope my days will not end,
And I hope people will always have luck like me,
Even much better then me,
I did not know what I did in my previous life,
I got all these good in return,


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