While waiting for tuition at 4.30pm,
Instead of back home after skul,
We planned to stay in skul,
Study for next day chemistry paper.
Thing did no go as what we had planned,
After half and hour staying in class right after skul,
Suddenly feel very tired but wanna SING OUT LOUD!
"Feel like wanna sing!"
"Eh! I also lei!! Gia lo!"
With this,
Tuition canceled, revision canceled, resting canceled, exam being FORGOTTEN!!
Me and jean, Proceeded to"GREENBOX'!!!!
From 2 15pm - 6.15pm,
We sang non-stop!!!
Eat non - stop!!
But only cost us RM 10.35 each person!! Worth it!!
Exam?? Chemistry paper? Equations? Compound? Nanti lah!! :p
Feel so energetic at that moment,
Even though we din sleep for 2 nights,
Just to prepare for our exam -.-
Damn dizzy!!
Back home, study for few page,
Sleepy ed?? Slept at 12am (the earliest in these few days)
Ended up this morning,
Mang zhang like hell!!!
Used that little time tried to flip flop for few chapters!
I somehow knew how to answer!!
Biology- studied the most, but dun't think wil score well -.-
Chemistry - Not really studied much? Can score better -.-
Proven that last minute study better? Dunit study so much? :P
After chemistry exam,
While almost all of them rushed back,
To prepare for maths paper tommorow,
Me and jean went to eat DIM SUM!!!!
Hahaha ^^ So delicious!!
Donit study, donit tension,
Works at last minute better ^^
That's why,
I'm here blogging, Studying??? later la...
See whether tommorrow I can do better or not??? :p
From shendar's mum too :P Kam siah ^^
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