Come into my world
Simply, I'm an ordinary girl who always seeking the ways to make herself extraordinary, and so, I blog to express my feeling!
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Well, it's quite an interesting and enjoying event. Got a lotssssssssssssssss of sweetssssssssssssssss! and chocolatesssssssssssssssss!!! Guess I'll succumb to diabetes illness if I were to finish all of it =.=!! This year juniors, could be considered well mannered and behaved. The sweets were nicely packed!!! I mean some of the juniors la :p Wow... we were shocked as at our year, we never packed it. Just simply bought it and distributed :p Too, we were greeted all the way when we met the juniors. The feeling being greeted, just nice :p
Let's talk about my junior. Yet, he was quite pity during the foster day. Being fooled in my class til no sweets left. I showed my compassion to him by acknowledging his senior was me :p hmm.... People said he very "geng" and used to be a sarjan in SMK KWANG HUA. The first sight, I feel he's very straightforward, cute and obedient typed :p Of course, he should be proud having me as his senior!!! hahaha....
Today is the registration day for kokurikulum. Nothing special, just suddenly crowded with attendents, then suddenly sitting there to kill mosquitoes =.=!! Will be very busy in this following months. Hope everything will just goes smoothly without hindrances ^^
The nice packing :p thankss juniors ^^
sweetsssssssssssssssssss :p
Not feeling well on sunday, went to see doctor and took the medicine as scheduled and prescribed by doctor. Still, my condition worsen during the midnight. Out of sudden, I had high fever and terrible headache, was shivering all the way, tried to cover and hide myself in my blanket, it was damn suffering.
Yeah, at the moment I had this predicament, my mum came in my room to take a look. I didn't inform my mum previously as I thought she was kinda tired and do not want to wake her up from her sleep, who knows, at the moment I suffering, she opened my room door!
Shocked with my condition, very quickly, she got me 2 tablets of panadol, prepared a cold towel, put on my forehead at intervals and wiped my body as well for cooling purpose during the whole midnight! Guess wat? It was 2am something, she hardly had a sleep during that midnight, just to take care of me. This is the "MOTHER LOVE". Thankss mum! I wouldn't have recovered if you were not there for me.
Dinner time, when I was rushing to go out for dinner, came the matter which screwed me up! House keys, car keys, handphone, everything i put inside my handbag and left it inside my car, then I go down to do something. Suddenly, I heard "diiiiiii"!! Oh my gosh!!! My car autolocked!!!! My things were inside!!! Damn!!! I was shocked!! Then, I got help from my neighbours, she fetched me to meet my mum to take the spare key!!
I was so lucky and thankful to the neighbours who borrowed her hand when I was in the plight!! Thankss god!! Haiz...
My mum just came back from tioman, soon after, she received a call from my relatives, asking us for dinner at pandamaran! It's already 9.30 pm, but we have to go from Kapar 7 miles (my house) till pandamaran which took us more than half and hour to reach there!! Fine, we compromised.
After the freaking 30 mins ++, we (me and my mum) reached, finally! My relatives and her WHOLE FAMILY reached too, they ordered and ordered and ordered and ordered and ordered......
All of us, enjoyed eating HAPPILY!!
Now the payment time, the damn who ordered, started pretending by saying : " oh! I pay, never mind, later I pay!" At the same time, she's sitting there without doing anything but her mouth was the only part of her body, moving!! This is what people always say, "ONLY KNOW HOW TO TALK BUT DON'T KNOW HOW TO DO INSTEAD"
At the end, my mum was the one who made the payment! I'm hereby to emphasise, this was not the first time!!!! It had been timessss before!!! Almost everytime!!! I wouldn't mind if it's only few times okie?? But you are totally overdue!!!
Hey dude, the money you earned is $$$$, then our money is not $$$$$???? All of us have families to feed on and make ends meet!!!
You are lucky that my mum is not that stingy person in terms of FOOD!!! But you shouldn't behave that way by taking it as granted!!! Obviously, you are lowering your standard!!
So many ducky......... :p
Wow... it looks nice ya? :p
Three days, passed in a glance, the time of bliss and happiness would probably last for a while, I just hope that, the time will stay at this moment....
Had a bloody packed day, Maths T tuition carried for 3 hours followed by chemistry tuition =.=! I just couldn't refrain myself from yawning during the tuition hours, but I ended up energitically right after my class ended! This is what I always wonder :p
Went to the night market at berkeley. Here's the matter which screwed me up!! Damn the unscrupulous woman who walked from my opposite site, bang my shoulder without apologising!! My hand was holding handphone at that moment, it dropped on the road!!! She just pertended nothing had happened and went off without saying sorry!! Niaamaa.......
My phone protecting plastic cover broke off!!! Left scratches and scars on my phone!!! Damn you this stupig!!!!!! My lovely handphone from shendar, ruined.. T.T One leg give you die!!!!!
I'm just freaking bloody damn poor now T.T I need $$$$$$$$$$$ desperately right now!!! My car's insurance + road tax due on 29 june 2009!! It costs me > RM 1500 for my "sport car" insurance, road tax and monthly installment as well!! It's dying for me okie??
Yeah, as a filial daughter, I intended to ease my parents' burden. I have been saving the money for few months. Yet, I still lack of RM 195 to reach the amount of car's insurance and road tax!!!!! Where should I get it? T.T
I digged into my purse, spurged holes in my pockets, intending to get any sens or dollars!!
Counted excitedly, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
It's now 3am but I'm still here, blogging. I have so much to say, many things just came at sudden at which I don't even know how to start and express.
My day was mingled with sorts of feelings for today - happy? dissappointed? glad? grateful? sad? cheered?
I attended a functional dinner tonight, there were some few shots, some camwhored photos taken before I attended the dinner. At this moment, I was still in happy mood, nothing made me down.
Soon after, something wretching happened out of very sudden to which personally, I don't think I have done something wrong, but I ended up in an uneasy way. This incident could be known by solely, me and shendar. I was indeed gladful that he was there to support me and comfort me all the way, I was blessed.
Okie, I'm always optimistic! I wouldn't just let it spoils my mood. I drove to KEC. There, I met my mum. I parked my car at somewhere else inside the KEC parking lot before we managed to go to the dinner together, with mum's car.
Yeah, happy hour during the dinner. I sang many hokkien songs as requested from others!! I just got many compliments from them!! Many of them were praising me all along!! I was like.... flying on the air!!! :p Hey dudes, I'm not exaggerating okie? :p I enjoyed singing so well! ^^
On the other hand, I met my cousin there as well. A cousin who we used to be very very very closed since we were small until he found his beloved, then, we barely meet up for years. We grew up together, played together, out together and so on. But what saddening me was, he couldn't recognised me!!!! I stood in front of him, wondering whether the one standing in front me was him! Somehow, he can't even recognised me! I changed a lot in this few years? Till he can't managed to recognise me even i stand in front of him? We play together since we were little kid okie? Aikss.... After calling him for confirmation, he asked me in return :ya meh? i din see u also? That wan is you ka?" =.=!!
It's 1.30am, yea.. It's 1.30am!!! Only we managed to leave the place!! Reached home at 2am sharp!! On the way going back home, there was no even a stimulation to sense me that ----- my car is still in KEC. =.=!!! Until the moment I reached my house, open the auto gate.......... Where is my "SPORT CAR"?? Then my mum yelled out at me, " oh leng!!! Your car car is still in KEC!!"
We kept laughing in the car. I was thinking whether my car will be safe at there? I don't hope there will be some parts missing or deformed by tomorrow when I take my car T.T God bless my car please?? The first night, my sport car overnight at other place T.T
These two photos were taken by ryn's mum, it's obviously shown that the phototaking skills are not good enough :p Oh mummy, you have to make more practice! :p Your daughter will somehow guides you? :p
It's all here for today. Things had been summarised as shown in above. I'm too lazy to elaborate as the time now showing...... 3.27am!! =.=!! Good night!